Why Movement?

#1 reason for us building on Movement is that our tech team is already, heavily, ‘move-pilled’. We were one of the first few teams to deploy on Aptos/Sui and understood the power of a multi-threaded VM combined with an object ownership based architecture⚡️

The main benefits of move lang in our context: > Performance: parallel execution, low latency (important for quick margining) > Security: re-entrancy is prevented by default, enables faster upgrades > No global spikes in gas costs during high volatility (important for orderbook liveness)

We’re also super excited about the whole movement ecosystem, not just M1 🗒️ > We believe in the modular chain thesis > The prospect of launching our customisable app-chain in the future via movement SDK can unlock many interesting liquidity bootstraping use cases

New Move L1s have seen growing developer interest but have failed at migrating whale EVM liquidity due to: > Lack of foundational DeFi products being already present > Inferior bridging UX, new wallets etc. for users to download Movement’s seamless cross-vm communication and backward compatibility with base networks also enables superior liquidity sharing

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